Good Agricultural Practices Program

Fundamental Pillars


The Commitment of our company is to reach 100% cocoa production friendly management, for this reason we designed our own program (BPAR) to be inclusive with our conventional producers or those in the process of converting to organic agriculture.


Cocoa is an important crop in the Dominican Republic and its proper care is essential to obtain a high-quality harvest. Below are some good agricultural practices that should be followed when growing cocoa:

Child labor and forced labor are unacceptable practices in any context. It is important to ensure that all workers in cocoa farming are of legal working age and are not forced to work. In addition, it is also important to guarantee safe and decent working conditions for all workers, including fair wages and reasonable hours.

Pruning is a fundamental practice in cocoa cultivation. It is done to remove branches and leaves that are no longer productive and to improve the health and yield of the plant. Pruning can also help control the size of the plant and make harvesting easier. It is important to perform pruning regularly and properly, following the recommendations of the producer or agricultural technician. Some of the benefits of pruning are:

● Greater production of high quality fruits.
● Longer duration of the plant and longer useful life of the crop.
● Easier harvest work and less time and effort.
● Greater ventilation and light for the lower branches, which improves the health of the plant.

Another good agricultural practice is the planting of disease-resistant cacao varieties. This can minimize the use of agrochemicals and ensure a healthy, high-quality harvest. In addition, it is also advisable to rotate crops and maintain good pest and disease control to prevent the spread of problems to other plants. Some other practices that can help prevent diseases in cocoa are:

● Plant cocoa at a suitable distance to avoid contact between plants and allow air circulation.
● Avoid watering the plants during the afternoon or during hot hours, since this can favor the development of diseases.
● Avoid over-fertilizing, as this can weaken the plant and increase its vulnerability to disease.
● Avoid the accumulation of weeds, since this can favor the spread of diseases.

The proper use of agrochemicals is also essential in the cultivation of cocoa. Agrochemicals can be harmful to human health and the environment, so it is important to follow the instructions for use and apply them responsibly. It is also recommended to use alternative control methods, such as the use of natural enemies of pests or the use of organic products. Some other practices that can help reduce the use of agrochemicals are:

● Use biological control techniques, such as the use of natural enemies of pests or the introduction of microorganisms that attack pests.
● Use organic or natural products to control pests and diseases.
● Maintain good pest and disease control using preventative measures, such as maintaining good crop hygiene and weed control.
● Use an adequate dose of agrochemicals and follow the instructions for use to minimize risks to health and the environment.

Traceability is the process of tracking and recording the movement of products from its origin to its final destination. In cocoa farming, traceability can help ensure the quality and sustainability of cocoa and promote transparency and responsibility in the supply chain. Some of the practices that can help improve the traceability of cocoa are data recording and monitoring of production and harvest.

Forests and watersheds are important ecosystems that provide vital environmental services, such as soil protection, climate regulation, and biodiversity conservation. In the cultivation of cocoa, it is important to protect these ecosystems and avoid deforestation and contamination of watersheds. Some of the practices that can help protect forests and watersheds are forest conservation and restoration, implementation of environmental management systems, and promotion of sustainable agriculture.

The premium is an additional payment made to cocoa farmers for the delivery of high-quality cocoa. The distribution of the premium in relation to the amount of cocoa delivered can help promote the production of high-quality cocoa and improve the profitability of the crop.

Some of the practices that can help improve the distribution of the premium are the implementation of cocoa quality classification and evaluation systems and the promotion of education and training for producers to improve their production techniques.

Traceability from the Farm

Quality assurance by tracking the movement of cocoa along the supply chain and leaves a transparent trail of every process.

No Child or Forced Labor

The dignity of work and workers' rights is to be protected. To fair wages, organization, unions, private property, and economic initiative.

Environmental Protection

Taking steps towards a more sustainable and resilient community. Our objective is to reach 100% cocoa production friendly management.

Families and Communities

Opportunities for small and medium farmers, offering financing, technological support and guaranteed fair price for their crops.

Premium for Compliance

Allows us to guarantee our export products under high quality standards and endorsed by the most demanding quality certifications.

Good Management Practices

Harvest, Pruning, Diseases, Soil care, Postharvest. Guaranteeing compliance with the best agricultural and commercial practices.